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Philips Respironics Ball & Socket Headgear Clips for Various Comfort Series CPAP Masks (DISCONTINUED)
The mushroom-shaped design of these clips better distributes stresses caused during mask removal, deflecting that stress to the body of the mask faceplate instead of the socket area walls. In addition when compared to older Philips Respironics headgear clips, these clips have a much larger grip area and raised bumps to improve ergonomics and ease of use especially for users with limited hand dexterity
These clips are made of a softer material than older style plastic headgear clips so that they reduce the stress on the socket area of your mask to reduce frame damage or breaks. One result of using the softer material in the new ball clip is that its shaft will show wear, evidenced by visible nicks, over time. This is normal and entirely expected; nicks in the material will not cause clip breakage. Respironics tests have shown that the new design will increase the socket area life by over 10 times.
USAGE: These clips will work with all ComfortGel (Original) Nasal, ComfortGel BLUE Nasal, ComfortGel (Original) Full Face, ComfortGel BLUE Full Face, ComfortFusion, ComfortSelect, ComfortFull, and ComfortFull 2 CPAP & BiPAP masks.
COLORS: Ball & Socket Headgear Clips were originally manufactured in two colors -- dark gray and light gray (or light blue) -- however the lighter color has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Dark gray clips can be used on any mask that previously used the light gray (or light blue) clips.
^literature~Product Information
- Manufacturer Philips Respironics
- Part Number(s) 1009723 (Replaces 1040139 - Light Blue)
- HCPCS Code E1399
- Warranty 30 Days - Review manufacturer's documentation for full warranty details.
- Country Philippines (Typical Origin)
On Sale: $22.50
ComfortGel Blue Nasal CPAP Mask
On Sale: $33.00