ActiPro Concentrated Mouthpiece Cleanser for CPAP Pro & ApneaPAP Mouthpieces (DISCONTINUED)
With regular use ActiPro extends the life of Boil 'n Bite Mouthpieces, night guards, and dentures. It easily dissolves tough stains, controls odors, sanitizes, and keeps your mouthpiece extra fresh and clean.
USAGE: When mixed with cold water ActiPro takes about 15 minutes to effectively clean your mouthpiece. ActiPro is concentrated for maximum hygiene and leaves your mouthpiece clean and minty. One Bottle will last on average 60 days. For complete instructions review the documentation that came with your equipment.
Product Information
- Manufacturer Stevenson Industries
- Part Number(s) ACTIPRO
- HCPCS Code E1399
- Country United States of America (Typical Origin)
Physical Specifications
Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex
Double Boil N' Bite ApneaPAP Mouthpiece
On Sale: $59.95