PlastiFlex Hybernite Rainout Control System for Humidified CPAP Machines
The Hybernite Rainout Control System's medical grade power supply, with plug-and-play simplicity, heats copper wires embedded in the walls of Hybernite Heated Tubing. Hybernite maintains a uniform temperature along the entire length of the breathing tube, regardless of changes in outside air temperature, improving comfort, allowing for increased humidity, preventing rainout, and increasing pressure stability.
In the past CPAP/BiPAP users have been forced to compromise their Sleep Therapy comfort -- by lowering humidity levels -- in order to avoid the noise, discomfort and therapy disturbances caused by rainout. With the Hybernite Rainout Control System you can set your humidifier properly -- to prescribed or desired levels -- and still enjoy a quiet, comfortable, rainout free night.
With Hybernite there is no need to lower your humidifier's settings to stop rainout! Hybernite does it for you so that you can set your humidifier as high or low as needed for comfortable sleep therapy
Power Supply - The manufacturer recommends that the Hybernite Power Supply Unit be placed on the floor during operation. If the power supply is disconnected or not available for use Hybernite tubing will function as standard CPAP tubing without power.
Humidification Required - The Hybernite Rainout Control System is only compatible with CPAP/BiPAP machines equipped with water based humidifiers. If your system is not equipped with a humidifier then the Hybernite system cannot be used.
Hose Wraps & Covers - The manufacturer recommends that Hybernite Heated Tubing NOT be wrapped or covered with a Snuggle hose or any similar product due to the possibility of elevated temperatures.
Product Information
- Manufacturer PlastiFlex
- Part Number(s) ROC2300
- HCPCS Code A4604
- All CPAP and BiPAP machines that are equipped with a water based heated humidifier and standard tubing. Not Compatible With CPAP and BiPAP machines that require slim 15mm tubing or pressure sensor tubing. Hybernite is also not recommended for use with PR System One "50 Series" machines using software earlier than version 1.24. Your System One CPAP or BiPAP machine's software version will be flash on the display screen during startup.
Physical Specifications
- Total Length (Approx) 6 Feet
- Inner Diameter 19 MM
Not Made with Natural Rubber Latex
Power Specifications
- AC (Wall) Power 110-220V, 50-60 Hz